INSCRIPCION Maestrías de Marketing y Publicidad

Descripción del curso

The Master in Digital Marketing & E-commerce is designed to train professionals in the new areas of the digital ecosystem, where the trend is increasingly heading towards eliminating the barrier between the online and offline worlds to deal more effectively with customers.

On this program, you will learn the key foundations of Online Marketing and the tools to conduct commercial activities on digital platforms, as well as developing you executive and organizational skills.

If you want to enhance your executive competences even further after completing your program, you have the option of doing a two-week residential program at Kean University (USA).

The need for professional training is constant as the world around us is uncertain. In this new reality, we have developed protocols and methodologies in order to make sure that our students can continue to receive high quality education and keep developing professionally at our Madrid/Barcelona campuses, through virtual presence, using the Hybrid format or being anywhere in the world. We are a community committed to education, wellbeing and everyone¿s safety.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have changed supplier-customer relations for good thanks to the consolidation of the internet and social media as effective customizable marketing tools. We now operate in a new scenario in which the rules of the game have changed. Nowadays, everything is fast, direct, measurable and deliverable anywhere.

The digital ecosystem is a fantastic hotbed of new ways of doing business. Companies have to prepare to embrace this new way of dealing with their customers. Therefore, the employment market demands a new profile of marketing professional with the ability to spot an opportunity to develop new strategies in a digital setting.

Duración del curso

12 meses





Flexible Start Date
Nuestra metodología innovadora y flexible nos permite ofrecer a alumnos internacionales un sistema de incorporación continua de varias etapas para que puedan incorporarse a las clases presenciales posterior al comienzo oficial del programa sin problemas. Para la convocatoria de Mayo 2021 ofrecemos cuatro etapas/fechas para el on-boarding de los alumnos a las clases presenciales.

Salidas Profesionales

At EAE, we train professionals with the profiles in the highest demand from companies and the competences required in the employment market. The knowledge and skills you acquire here and now will have a real impact on your professional life. Start imagining this bright future and take a look at some of the professional opportunities that await you with our Master in Digital Marketing.

Digital Project Manager
Director of Projects
Director of Digital Marketing
Director of e-Commerce
Director of SEO
Director of SEM
Social Media Manager


  • acreditado por AACSB_INTERNATIONAL
  • acreditado por AEEDE
  • acreditado por CLADEA
  • acreditado por EFMD
  • acreditado por UNIVERSID_CAMILO_JOSE_CEL
  • acreditado por UPC_UNIVERSID POLIT_CATAL

La institución

EAE Business School Madrid es una Escuela de Negocios especializada en la formación superior. Entre nuestros programas formativos destacan los Executive MBA, Masters y Grados. Llevamos 60 años formando directivos de éxito. Más de 73.000 directivos y ejecutivos de más de 100 nacionalidades diferentes se han formado con EAE.

Nuestra principal misión es capacitar a profesionales y líderes de empresas nacionales e internacionales con programas y masters con una gran dosis de contenidos prácticos y enfocados en el alumno. EAE Business School Madrid es una escuela de negocios está en continua comunicación con alumnos, docentes y partners de todo el mundo para garantizar una calidad educativa rigurosa.

EAE Madrid tiene acuerdos de colaboración académica e institucional con más de 65 escuelas de negocios y universidades. Nuestros partners están repartidos en más de 22 países. Además, contamos con más de 3.500 acuerdos de colaboración con empresas españolas e internacionales por lo que nuestros alumnos pueden beneficiarse de una bolsa de trabajo de prestigio tras sus estudios.

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Nuestro portal, forma parte de Grupo Eurohispana Servicios Integrados, empresa que apuesta firmemente por el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al mundo de la educación.más